flower wallpaper

What It Means To Be A Mentor: Bridge The Gap to New Wallpaper Installers

The membership of WIA will decrease by 63% over the next eight years. The majority of the professional-level wallcovering installers are between the ages of 48 and 58. They can see the exit on the horizon. We should be wondering who’s going to come up behind these talented veterans and take the trade to the […]

wallpaper profile pic

Exclusive Insights From Amy Anderson, Apprentice to Heidi Wright Mead

We wanted insight into where the wallcovering industry is going, where new installers are finding their inspiration, and how the Wallcovering Installers Association can keep up and meet the needs of new installers. Creatives, hands-on crafters, and students graduating in design fields looking for a unique career, as well as seasoned professionals looking for new […]

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