2016 Jan-Feb Installer

President’s Message…… The Benefits of WIA Membership By President Vinny LaRusso, C.P. Time for a Change Wallpapering, Inc., Brewster, New York Greetings WIA Members, Are you interested in furthering your career like I was? Joining a professional association is a good start. There are associations for nearly every profession or area of interest and many […]

2015 June-July Installer

President’s Message…… Success Is Only a Stone’s Throw Away By President – Cyndi Green, C.P. | Cyndi Green Wallcovering, LLC | Monroe, LA My fellow members, A successful business, or person, is one that is always in a state of learning and improving. Learning, understanding, and gaining knowledge is an endless journey and it should never […]

2015 Nov-Dec Installer

President’s Message…….. Success Via WIA By President Vinny LaRusso, C.P. Time for a Change Wallpapering, Inc., Brewster, New York Greetings WIA Members, First, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support! I am very excited to be your new President and look forward to what lies ahead! As your new […]

2015 March-April Installer

President’s Message…… Education is Key! By President Cyndi Green, C.P. Cyndi Green Wallcovering, LLC, Monroe, Louisiana My fellow members, We are now celebrating one of the most exciting changes in the history of our organization.  We have a new name that reflects our entrepreneurial spirit which fuels everything we do. It simply describes who and […]

2014 November Installer

President’s Message…… A New Horizon! By President Cyndi Green, C.P. Cyndi Green Wallcovering, LLC, Monroe, Louisiana My fellow members, It is our pleasure and honor to announce to you that the National Guild of Professional Paperhangers has unveiled a new corporate brand for our organization. As we celebrate this change, we are also celebrating our […]

2014 July-August Installer

2014 NGPP National Convention & 40th Anniversary Celebration: Swinging for Success in Louisville, Kentucky! By NGPP National Convention Committee Chair Scott Peto, C.P., Restoration Services of Ohio, Inc. The National Guild of Professional Paperhangers (NGPP) is pleased to share that the 2014 National Convention and Vendor Showcase will be held in majestic Louisville Kentucky at […]

2014 March April Installer

Winning Walls with Wallcovering 2014 By NGPP WWWW Chairperson Phil Curtis, C.P., Curtis Enterprises, South Holland, Illinois The 2014 Winning Walls with Wallcoverings (WWWW) contest is off and running! The official entry form is in this issue of The Installer and can also be found online on the Guild website (Nancy–please insert the link for […]

2014 Jan/Feb Installer

March Madness 2014: An Affirmation of Excellence By NGPP Member – Denis Picard, C.P. | Denis Picard Wall Covering | Kensington, CT The gathering of brothers and sisters of the brush is once again upon us. This gem in the treasure trove of Guild experience is truly an affirmation of excellence. Born from the spirit […]

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